Another thing about me, is how I like what I like - always!! When I was 3 years old I fell in love with Donny Osmond!! Now, 43 years later, I still love him - and did even when it wasn't popular!! The same thing for Rick Springfield!! I fell in love with him in 1973 when his cartoon, Mission Magic, was on TV!! To this day when I get to see him in concert, I scream like a teenager!!!
Knitting is no different!! I like what I like and I feel strongly about the things I like!! It seems that I am particularly drawn to cables and amigurumi!! I love the color blue but I can still be drawn to a pattern in even the ugliest colors!! Yet, when I see something knitted in blue, I have to really look to see if it's the color or the pattern that I like!! Sometimes it's both!! One of the things about my opinionated self is that I don't tend to follow who or what is most popular!! A few years ago everyone was knitting the Clapotis. And I knit one. But I knit it because I liked it!! I've heard lots of talk (on podcasts) about the Selbu Modern hat. I can see why people like it, but it doesn't appeal to me at all! I love shawls but I hate lace weight yarn and lace done in lace weight!! I truly appreciate the work that goes into projects made with lace weight yarn but it doesn't do anything for me!! Am I weird? Actually, I know the answer to that - YES!!! But I am who I am and I stand strongly by my beliefs and I like what I like!!
The thing about me is I've grown over the years, but I'm still me! In the last few years I've reconnected with many of my closest school friends through Facebook and a couple of class reunions. I'm still the same person I was then, just with a husband, kids, and 16 years of homeschooling under my belt!! But underneath it all, I'm still just me!
Well, I've been contemplating starting on this blog again. One thing that's held me back is lack of FO's!! My younger son just graduated from our homeschool and I'm working on a blanket for him. I started it a month later than I started Logan's. I've run into quite a few issues with this blanket. And a few weeks ago Kelby and I were discussing his "secret" gift that I was knitting in front of him. He told me that he likes Doctor Who, but doesn't love it!! Blasphemy!! LOL!! So, we've picked out some patterns and some things I can design to make JUST the blanket for him. I can put up pictures of the finished squares. (When I take some) The way I knit my blankets is in strips from bottom to top and then I join the strips and do an edging.
Well, I don't want to get too carried away on my first blogpost back!! One question I have is this: Since I'm finished homeschooling, should I change the name of my blog? What do my faithful readers have to say about this? Oh, that's right, I have no faithful readers!! ; )
Knit On and Talk to you Soon!!
Shama D